Be'erev hashabat eshev ve'ezkera
Neimot shenogot li balev
Shulchan venerot aruchim beora
Veaba mevarech bekol arev
Veima im mitpachat lashulchan magisha
Mata'amim umabat ohev
Achai vachyotai potzchim beshira
Veaba bafsukim dovev

Lechu neranena vegam dror yikra
Tzur mishelo achalnu vesar hamemuna

Im shachar nakuma yachdav lehitpalel
Ushliach hatzibur kore birkat gomel
Kol hayladim beyachad bemakhela gdola
Vegam hataf oneh lahem behilula
Shomim et hamaftir vegam hametargem
Va'anochi bekol tamid oneh lahem

Lechu neranena...

Chozrim mibet hakneset aba vehayeladim
Omdim bator bapetach et ima lehashkim
Veaz el hashulchan nesheva mesubim
Veima magisha et haJachnun vehabetzim
Veaba yevarech im tzet hashabat
Laner velivsamim nafshi meyachela

Lechu neranena...


Friday night I will sit and remember
melodies that touch my heart
Candles and table full of light
and dad blesses in a beautiful voice
And mum with a scarf on her head
and loving eyes serves tasty food
My brothers and sisters start singing
and dad's lips move as he prays.

Let's go and rejoice and sing the songs of the prayers.

On Sat at dawn we will wake up to go to synagogue
the cantor blesses
All the children in a big choir
answer him
We listen to the prayer and the interpretation
and I answer too.

Let's go and rejoice..........

We come back from the synagogue, father and the children,
and we stand at the door to wake up mum
Then we'll sit at the table
and mum serves the traditional Yemenite food
And when the Sabbath finishes, father will bless
the candle and the fragrances of havdalah.

Let's go and rejoice..........

Hebrew words

Boaz Sharabi
Boaz Sharabi
Moshe Hillel
Yoel Sharabi & Moshe Hillel
Shmulik Gov Ari 1983

Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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