Hakirot reikim lo lehargish saiyechet
Leshum temunah bizman hama'avar
El halomot yaldut ani nimshechet
Lo lehitorer
Im kol ha'higayon lohesh rak sheket
Az mah matok hara'ash ha'asur
Ve'eich leat ani yoter nimheket
k'chol she'atah yoter barur

Bein hayadayim she'mashchu oti lakachat
Et mah she'lo hayah latet
Haya nidmeh she'beyahad nuchal l'himalet
Bishvil linshom mehadash ani potachat
Atah hofshi latzet
Harei hayinu rak pahad memah she'be'emet

Rega'im ketanim asfu oti lo pa'am
Mesachehah kehah lehinatzel
Shelo ahat ibadeti kevar ta'am
Kal lehitragel
Leshigrah tzafufah, atah hayita ruah
Shepizrah bi sheket lo yoter
Matzata betochi pinah lanuah
Bamakom she'who hayah haser

Bein hayhadayim she'mashchu oti ...

Binyanim noflim achshav
Bekoved hargalim meragesh she'nirkav bi
ve'atah rak hearata
Od ratzon lahzor eilav
Lehibala betom hazeh she'et einav
Atah rak histarta
Kama hu hayah ve'kavar shachahti lehargish
Ve'hinei zeh hazar
Az tizaher me'lakahat
Et mah she'lo hayah shelcha
Hayah lecha oti ve'li kevar ein otcha
Harei hayinu rak pahad


The blank walls, not feeling she belongs
To any picture in the blinding time
To childhood dreams I am attracted
To not wake up
If the voice of reason whispers only quiet
Then how sweet is the forbidden sound
And how slowly I'm more deleted
While you become more clear

Between the hands that drew me in to take
That which was not there to give
It seemed that together we can escape
In order to breathe anew I opened
You are free to leave
After all, we were only afraid of what was true.

Small moments gathered me more than once
From numb forgetting saved
That not one I lost already the taste
It's easy to get used to it
to the packed routine, you were a wind
That scattered in me quiet no longer
You found in me a corner to rest
In a place that was missing it

Between the hands that drew ...

Buildings now fall
From the weight of the habits excited that they rot in me
And you are just the footnote of
Another reason to will return to him
To innocently swallow this that to his eyes
You only hid
How he was and already I've forgotten to feel
And here this returned
So be careful not to take
What was not yours
I was yours and I you already were not mine
After all, we were just afraid

îä ùáàîú

Hebrew words

Keren Peles
Keren Peles

Words transliterated and translated by Parry Hess of Brooklyn, New York, USA.
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