Tirkod, hi amrah li, tirkod
habroshim lo yad'u im litz'chok o livkot
tirkod kol od atah yachol
ani lo banui leshi'ur machol.

Roshah hatza'ir al roshi
lo timtza kvar ba'ir ka'eleh broshim
tohav kol od atah mat'im
agav, hi amrah li tohav oti.

Ad hayom dei muzar
lo hevanti davar
zeh gilah hamudkam o gili hame'uchar
ad hayom bis'vivot chamesh ushloshim
tzel nofel mitzamrot habroshim
hi omeret: azov, zo shki'ah shekazot.

Tirkod, hi amrah li, tirkod
habroshim bashamaim anachnu od po
tirkod mibli lehe'atzer
anachnu mipo lo nuchal latzet.

Ad hayom dei muzar...

Mutar le'abed et harosh
begilah gam ani nag'ati babrosh
mutav lirkod chatzi dakah
mutav me'asher le'abed otah.

Ad hayom dei muzar...

Achshav bein broshim achadim,
zeh ani sheroked...
dei levadi.

Hebrew words


Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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