Ben yafeh nolad
al ketef haCarmel
umevarchim higiyu mikol ever.

Geshem tov yarad
ki ne'etar ha'el
vehachita nivtah bisdot hashever.

Shemesh cham zarach
veru'ach kar nashav
hayeled kvar lomed likroh basefer.

Etz shaked parach
Sivan, Tamuz ve'Av
Vehatinok harach hayah legever.

Boker yom rishon leyad hatachanah,
chicktah ito "ad shetavo rakevet"
b'shichvah lishon
lifnei shenirdemah
shurot kchulot haita elav kotevet.

Tsiporim ozvot,
Ba'erev kvar karir,
Yafah b'leil shabat chiktah bisha'ar.

Stav barechovot,
Machar hi bat esrim,
Ach lamah lo mal'u esrim lano'ar?

Ben yafeh nolad
Al katef haCarmel
Umevarchim higiyu mikol ever.

Geshem tov yarad
Ki ne'etar ha'el
Vehachita nivtah bisdot hashever.

A beautiful boy was born
on the shoulder of Mount Carmel
and people came from all around to bless him.

Good rain fell
because God answered our prayers
and the wheat sprouted in fields of grain.

A hot sun shone
And cold winds blew
The boy is already learning to read books.

An almond tree flowered,
the months of Sivan, Tamuz and Av passed,
and the tender baby became a man.

Sunday morning by the station,
she waited with him until the train came.
When she lay down to sleep,
before she dozed off
she would write him lines in blue ink.

The birds are leaving,
In the evening it's already cold, Beautiful, on Shabbat eve, she waited by the gate.

It's autumn in the streets,
Tomorrow she turns twenty,
But why did he not reach his twentieth birthday?

A beautiful boy was born
on the shoulder of Mount Carmel
and people came from all around to bless him.

Good rain fell
because God listened to our prayers
and the wheat sprouted in fields of grain.



Lyrics in Hebrew- pdf

Sheet music

LYRICS Ehud Manor
MUSIC Nurit Hirsh
SINGER Connected Tunes - The Second Compilation of songs by Ehud Manor    Track 7

Words transliterated and translated by Aura Levin Lipski of Melbourne, Australia
with assistance from Malka Tischler in New York, USA

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