Chag Purim
Chag Purim
Chag gadol layehudim

Masechot, ra'ashanim,
shirim verikudim.

Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,
Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,
Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,

Chag Purim
Chag Purim
zeh el zeh sholchim manot,

Machmadim, mamtakim,
Tunifim migdanot.

Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,
Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,
Hava narishah - rash, rash, rash,

Purim time
Purim time
A big festival for the Jewish people

Masks, noisemakers
songs and dances.

Wind your noisemakers - it sounds like "rash rash rash"

Purim time
Purim time
we send gifts to one another

Treats, sweets
and other nice things.

Wind your noisemakers - it sounds like "rash rash rash"

Purim is a festive day in the Jewish holiday calendar.
There are masks, noisemakers (groggers in Yiddish, ra'ashanim in Hebrew) and singing and dancing.
On Purim day we exchange gifts of sweets, cakes and 'all manner of good things'.

WORDS L.Kipnis
MUSIC Traditional

Words transliterated by Aura Levin Lipski of Melbourne, Australia

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