Etzel hadoda vehadod,
hem nas'u lachofesh beyavan.
Etzel hadoda vehadod,
hish'iru bayit meguvan.
im safot nochot
umakom lirkod
mekarer male behafta'ot.
Im salon adir
umizug avir
vehakol etzel hadoda vehadod.

Etzel hadoda vehadod,
asafnu kamah yedidim.
Etzel hadoda vehadod,
aragnu erev rikudim.
Bachurot ein sof
im o bli machshof
nah'ru labait bime'ot.
Kol anshei hashik
kol hami umik.
nifgashnu etzel hadoda vehadod.

Etzel hadoda vehadod,
chagigah kazot od lo haytah.
Etzel hadoda vehadod,
ad lishe'ot haboker nimshechah
tisrokot rakdu,
mishka'ot ravaknu,
anashim natlu al kirot.
Taklitim kaschu,
hashchenim tsarchu
vehakol etzel hadoda vehadod.

Etzel hadoda vehadod,
hem amdu biftach hamumim.
Etzel hadoda vehadod,
hem hikdimu bechamah yamim.
Toch dakah ushlish
lo notar sham ish,
histaklu be'ofen atzili.
ve'im oti tish'al
az zeh dei mazal
shehem lo hadoda vehadod sheli.

At the uncle and aunt's place,
they went for vacation in Greece.
At the uncle and aunt's place,
they left a diverse house.
with comfortable sofas
and a place to dance
a fridge full of surprises.
with a powerful salon
and air conditioning
and everything at the uncle and aunt's place.

At the uncle and aunt's place,
we put together a few friends.
At the uncle and aunt's place,
we made an evening of dances.
Girls without end,
with or without a open neck (shirt)
they streamed to the house by the hundreds.
all the people of the drink
anyone who's anyone and Mik.
we met at the uncle and aunt's place.

At the uncle and aunt's place,
a celebration like this has not yet been.
At the uncle and aunt's place,
it continued to the hours of morning,
they danced all kinds of hairstyles,
we spit from the drinks,
people hung on walls.
record tracks were cut up,
the neighbours yelled
and everything at the uncle and aunt's place.

At the uncle and aunt's place,
they stood at the gate of defects.
At the uncle and aunt's place,
they came a few days early.
After a minute and a third
nobody was left there,
they looked in a noble way.
And if you ask me,
it's a good thing
that they're not my uncle and aunt.



Hebrew words

LYRICS Danny Sanderson
MUSIC Danny Sanderson
SINGER Danny Sanderson
CD The Best Of Danny Sanderson   Track 2



Words transliterated & translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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