Al na tivki, al na tivki.
Hakshivi, haru'ach overet bagan.
Al t'chaki, al t'chaki
Avich lo yashuv od l'chan.

Al na tivki, al na tivki.
Habiti, hashemesh yoredet layam.
Al t'chaki, al t'chaki
Avich lo yashuv l'olam.

Ulai hu tzofeh bach mishmei ha'anana.
M'chapes et hat'chelet baderech achrona.
Ulai hu kmo gal hatzamei el hachof,
Yodei'a ki sham m'tzafeh lo hasof.

Al na tivki, al na tivki.
Kawl hay'ladim y'shanim kvar mizman.
Al t'chaki, al t'chaki,
Avich lo yavo od lagan.

Please don't cry, please don't cry.
Listen, the wind is passing through the garden.
Don't wait, don't wait
Your father won't return here again.

Please don't cry, please don't cry.
Look, the sun is setting on the sea.
Don't wait, don't wait
Your father will never return.

Perhaps he's watching you from the cloudy sky.
Looking for the clear blue sky on the last path.
Perhaps he's like a wave hungry for the shore
Knowing that there, his end waits.

Please don't cry, please don't cry.
All the children went to sleep a long time ago.
Don't wait, don't wait
Your father won't come to the garden.

* Adva is a girl's name; as a word it means a tiny wave, a ripple on the ocean.

From the album notes:
In World War II, Tzvi Ben-Yaakov went as a paratrooper,
together with Hannah Senesh, to join the resistance in Hungary, and was killed.

On the day he died, his daughter Adva was born on Kibbutz Hachotrim.
The song was written in his memory and for her.

Click here for the pdf file with the Hebrew words

LYRICS Ron Gefen
MUSIC Ron Gefen
SINGER Ofra Haza
CD Adama (Earth) - Track 10

Words transliterated and translated by Malka Tischler of New York

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