What a GREAT Job you are doing!
Toledo, Ohio, USA

Your Hebrew Songs Site rocks !!!
Mexico City, Mexico

Thank you for your precious homepage!
Aachen, Germany

Thank you so much for this site. It is the best site of hebrew songs. I always find everything I need here.
Keep up the good work!
Bucharest, Romania

The transliteration and the translation are indeed vital to appreciating the songs.
California, USA

Hebrew to English helps me to learn Hebrew with Music
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I like this site because it helps us to find Hebrew lyrics to enjoy the hebrew songs and to learn Hebrew
Algiers, Algeria

Finding your website extremely useful for lyrics in Hebrew and English. Thanks very much.
Luton, England

Very good music and happy to have connection with other jewish people in the world.
Tubize, Belgium

I love your site. It has been some years that I find the beautiful words of the beautiful Hebrew songs I cherish. It is a language Kodesh, same applies to the songs and the words of the songs. The songs and their meanings are equally enchanting. Your efforts are honorable. Thank you for the site :)
Hormozgan Province, Iran

Many years ago with a friend from Norway we started to find my genealogic tree of my family.
We discovered that my mother's parents are Jewish and I started to find out more.
Jewish songs are nice and I (thank you for) your web site. Shalom
Oradea, Romania

The Rebbe would be proud of your endeavour to spread yiddishkeit as you are doing.
Brachos ve orot.
Connecticut, USA

Hebrew Songs is the best available resource for translating Israeli music.
Thanks for all the hard work.
Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

"It's very beautiful as it's very dificult...to find Hebrew Songs sites in ITALY. Thanks"
Rome, Italy

"I'm so thankful to this amazing website, it makes me understand what the songs I listen everyday."
Naples, Italy

"Without hebrewsongs.com my knowledge about Jewish ancestry wouldn't be so varied.
I owe you a big debt of gratitude."
Warsaw, Poland

"....this web site is very cool cause it's helping me to learn Hebrew."
Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia, South America

"Thank you so much for having this site. I am learning a lot more
Hebrew from the songs translated themselves."
Orlando, Florida, USA

".....thanks for the new lyrics and keep up the good work thanks..."
El Salvador

"Thank you! I am finally learning Hebrew through songs!"
New York, USA

"This site is 1 of my fav sites in the internet, i am so crazy about it !"
Jinbiah, Bahrain

"I....am happy to find this site"
Istanbul, Turkey

"It is.....very useful for us to receive the (songwords) of the shirim yehudim ve israelim.
Thanks very (much)"
Córdoba, Argentina

"Keep doing great work and service for the international Israeli dancing community!"
Message forwarded by Chana Shuvaly from
Jerusalem, Israel

"I think I´m not the only one in love of hebrew, but specially Israeli, songs."
Buenos Aires, Argentina

"WONDERFUL Jewish music sites!"
Florida, USA

"Thanks! You are fantastic!
I use your site to teach English to Russian Jewish teenagers here in St. Petersburg, Russia
.....keep up the good work and know that you are helping the future of the Jewish people :-)"
St Petersburg, Russia

"Hebrew Songs is the best web site that I found.
Hashem bless you for all your work for our People."
La Paz, Bolivia

"I think that Hebrew music is wonderful....also I admire your culture...
I'm always checking this web page, by the words... because I try to sing these beautiful songs...
México City, Distrito Federal, México

"Thanks for your site !
It's really helped me to learn Hebrew and enjoy the music."
Paris, France

"Thanks for a brilliant website..... high on my favourites list."
Queensland, Australia

"This site is amazing and wonderful and I use it CONSTANTLY!!
Thank you
so much!"
Los Angeles, California, USA

"Your Hebrew-songs site is unbelievable, very moving!
I could sit and browse for hours; it was just what I was looking for!
An irreplaceable contribution to our heritage, keeping Jewish music alive!"
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

"As the creator I do not think you can truly realize how well your site is received.
You need to know how remarkable it is.
A fabulous source of informtion and history.
It is like a living legacy, as many of the song writers are no longer with us,
and yet the treasure continues to grow.
You deserve a great big Mazal Tov for this baby!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

"Thanks for this website, I love israeli music!"
Barcelona, Spain

"The Web site is amazing and is beyond words.
It is a pleasure and an honor to contribute."
Chicago, Illinois, USA

"I am writing to you from England to thank you for the work you've done on Hebrewsongs.com.
Through your search engine, I have been able to track down some songs
that I used to hear on the radio when I was a child, but never knew their titles.
It's amazing how almost 20 years later, I was able to recall a few lyrics
and then search on your site and find...the beautiful songs."
Manchester, ENGLAND

"........keep on the great work! We love your site here in Romania!!!!"
Bucharest, ROMANIA

"This is an INCREDIBLE site.
I often need to hand out lyrics to audiences I perform for.
The English translations and the transliterations make things SO much easier.
Thank you thank you. Norah todah!!!!"
Boston, Mass, USA

"I like that there is a site that I can read in Latin letters since I'm not Jewish (and) I can't read Hebrew."
your website, I've found translations to some of my favorite Hebrew
& links to sites where I could buy CDs. This is really a great site.
I've told all my friends about it! Keep up the good work!"
New York, USA

"Thank you for the great work by assembling so (many) good songs in one place!
It's also a great way to improve my Ivrit!"

"I'm not a Jew, but I love the music and language from Israel.
I am learning Hebrew and this site has been an excellent aid in my learning."

"You are doing a marvellous job with your website....
I hope your readers appreciate your efforts."

"What a great site you have!
I appreciate all you do and for your response to my request!"

"I especially appreciate your site because I do not speak Hebrew,
but I am always interested in knowing the words that I dance to."
New Mexico, USA

"Agradezco las traducciones que has hecho para la página que está en la referencia,
porque me han permitido conocer el significado de canciones
que me gustan y que desconocía su contenido.
Me apasiona la cultura judía y estoy aprendiendo de a poco."

found out about your service when I was looking for resources in learning Hebrew.
Listening to a song like Chai by Ofra Haza and then reading the translation
on your site helps me learn vocabulary."
Connecticut, USA

"I have been enjoying all of your sites......
imagine so much beautiful music from Israel coming via Australia!!"

continue to love your site."
Illinois, USA

"Even if I am not Jewish, I love Israeli music
I visited Hebrew Songs' website a lot of times and, I must say, it is excellent."
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

"Thanks again for such a wonderful site.
Ehud Manor is my favorite Hebrew lyricist, so I'm glad you have an article about

"I was looking for the website of Hebrew songs and dance,
but I couldn't find the proper one where we can get information and data, for
a long time.
So..thanks for building such a wonderful website for all who need it."

"First, I want to thank you for what I dreamed about and it was
reality : your site!
I finally found the tools I needed to play and sing : here."
Mordechaï, Paris, FRANCE

"HS rules!
I love the Hebrew Songs web site! Wonderful wonderful page.
You have assembled a real kickass Hebrew songbook."
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
site is fantastic in concept and in execution.
I thank you for having a site of this nature online."
Adam, New England, USA

love the site!
It's great for me, especially because I hear these songs played on Israeli/Hebrew
radio stations,
and need the lyrics (whether transliterated or in actual Hebrew characters)
up the great work!"
Robert, Toronto, CANADA
me...take this opportunity to forward my compliments on the site which has proved
(and I am sure will continue to do so!) a very valuable source of information!
Regards from London.
Roberto from London, ENGLAND
on a wonderful site for Hebrew songs; it is by far the best I have seen."
Alexander Massey, London, ENGLAND

group is just loving the Hebrewsongs site.
One of our members is printing the translations and making a folder to show
our dancers.
They love keeping track of what their dances mean!
NEW ZEALAND Israeli dance group
love your site.
It really enhances my enjoyment of dancing
when I can understand/sing along with the song.
Rachel, Staten Island, New York, USA
"Marvelous site and a great service to the Jewish People".
Zvi Ofer, ISRAEL
you so much for all those lyrics.
I had the chorus to "Mi Pi El" going through my head and I thought
it be nice to know the verses. I found your site by searching Google."
Rochelle Lodder, Chicago, USA

"I'm an Israeli dancer
from Brazil, and loved the site from Australia.
Very well organized and complete."
Lederfeind, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL
(Readers please note:
Henry sent us in an amazing list of transliterated song words
that we are adding to the site. Go Brazil!!)
you for having the song lyrics on the website.
I really appreciate them;
it enhances my dancing experience knowing the words to the songs.
Keep up the good work."
Alter, San Diego, California, USA
"A little
"hello" from France. Thanks for your site.
I've found the great song of Lior Narkis "Le Kol Echad" in phonetic,
and I've seen that there are a lot of Jewish songs.
! I play keyboards with friends and it's really a need to have lyrics,
because I don't read Hebrew. Thanks again."
Cohen, Paris, FRANCE
site is great and I enjoy seeing what people are doing
on 'the other side of the world'.
Keep up the good work."
Simon, Los Angeles, USA
I think your
web-site is terrific.
I just discovered it and am enjoying your site very much.
Very happy that I found you.
Presently I teach Jewish music at a day school
and several supplementary Temple schools, therefore your site is helpful.
Continued success.
Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA.
"Hi Aura,
I am the creator of zemerl, the database of Jewish Music site.
I am really excited about your new site - what a great resource!
Best of luck"
Inna Barmash, Princeton
University, USA

"I really love
the website.
It's so good that I can understand what the songs are about.
Thanks for the information."
writing from Austin, TX
(yes, there are Jews in Texas, though not many)
I'm trying to learn more of these great songs that I remember from being a kid.
I have two song books that I'd be happy to share if anyone else needs some...
Thanks very much. Regards to Australia!
from Austin, Texas, USA
Many thanks
for a wonderful service and particularly in regard to the Hebrew songs.
We have been wanting to sing more songs for Chanuka around the lights
and not been sure where to go for them.
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

"Your song website is lovely.
I teach approximately 400 children ranging from Kinder (5year olds )
to Grade 12 (17 year olds) at several Hebrew schools near my home.
I've been doing this for over 20 years.
In an attempt to give some meaning to some of the dances I have been giving
short ideas about the meaning of the songs words.
I am going to teach Or Chadash to my teenagers and thought you might have
access to the Hebrew words and the translation."
from Long Island, USA

I just saw
your Hebrew songs site.
What a fantastic concept!
If only the internet had been around when I was a madrich -
it would have made my job then a lot easier.
from Melbourne, AUSTRALIA