Blumental Music Center
A message
from Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division

Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library is located at
26 Bialik St. in Tel-Aviv.
Our hours are: Sun. Tues.: 9 - 14.
Mon. Wed. Thurs.: 12 - 19.
We were previously known as the A.M.L.I.
(Americans for a Music Library in
Israel) - Central Music Library.
The library is open to the general public.
At the entrance level there is a small concert hall (about 115 seats)
which is used for lectures, master-classes, recitals, chamber music concerts.
The first floor is circulation.
Books on music and scores can be found here.
We are still using a card catalog, but are slowly computerizing our collection.
The emphasis is on classical music,
but of course we have a lot of Israeli music, song books, chazzanut, yiddish,
We are presently computerizing the song books (shironim)
so that you will be able to enter a word from the title of a song and find it.
This has already been done for the Hebrew and Jewish records and cds.
The 2nd floor has an exhibition hall, reference room and our archives.
Our archives house among others, the archives of
Bronislaw Huberman, Menashe Ravina, Joachim Stutschewsky,
Beit Levi'im, Golland and many others.
The 3rd floor is the audio-visual dept.
We have about 18,000 records,
just over 3500 cds, and 130 video cassettes.
Here, as with the music scores,
the emphasis is mainly on classical music,
though we do have some popular, jazz and of course Israeli music.
any of you find yourselves in Israel,
please come and visit!
Bialik St. is very picturesque and historic.
Our next door neighbor is Bialik House
and down the street is the Reuben Reuben House.

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