Yahalan yahalan yahalan hashamaim hakchulot be'emtza hamidbar hayehudim shebau elaich mikol, mikol ha'olam chashvu lichyot po beshalom chalamti al gan ha'eden haze chalamti she'anachnu chayim po beyachad hayehudim, ha'aravim, hanotzrim, ha'ashkenazim rotzim lichyot po beshalom.
Chalamti al ha'olam hachadash hazeh chalamti li shebaninu po chaim mehatzafon ad hadarom meyam hamelach ad hatichon betikvah anachnu ma'aminim.
Chorus: Ani ohev otach ani ohev otach ani ohev otach hamedinah sheli hamedinah sheli hamedinah sheli ani ohev otach ani ohev otach.
Chalamti shepo zeh gan ha'eden kulam chayim po besheket hayehudim, ha'aravim, vehanotzrim mikol haolam rotzim lichyot po beshalom. Himshachnu likvot al ha'olam haze chalamnu leyad hakotel hamizrachi az lama lama lama yesh po milchamah lama lo yecholim lichyot beshalom?
Yahalan yahalan yahalan hashamaim hakchulot be'emtza hamidbar hayehudim, ha'aravim, hanotzrim rotzim lichyot po beshalom. |
Yahalan yahalan yahalan The blue sky in the middle of the dessert the Jews that came to you from all the world they thought to live here in peace I dreamed about this garden of Eden I dreamed that we were living here together The Jews, the Arabs, the Christians, The Ashenazis, want to live here in peace.
I dreamed about this new world, where we have built a life, from the north to the south from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean. with hope, we believe.
Chorus: I love you I love you I love you my country my country my country I love you I love you.
I dreamed that this was the garden of Eden all were living here in quiet The Jews, the Arabs, and the Christians from all the world want to live here in peace. We continued to fix this world, we dreamed by the Wailing Wall so why oh why is there a war here why isn't there life in peace?
Yahalan yahalan yahalan the blue sky in the middle of the dessert the Jews, the Arabs, the Christians want to live here in peace. |