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El mul chofayich hachamim
Ani chozer elayich ahuva

Belibech hen yadat she'agia,
shechekech rak yuchal lehargi'a
Et haben ha'oved hamagi'a,
bedarkey ha'avir, lelo tnai

At nir'et kmo gan eden milmala,
kochavim shuv espor lach halayla
Tachana achrona lo od hal'a,
at hayit ve'odech kol chayai

Chabki oti ve'al na tit'almi,
silchi li Ima ve'kir'I bishmi
Ki lo shachachti et shehivtachti
vedaf chadash patachti

Hishtanet at kvar lo mechayechet,
po vasham le'ibud at holechet
Belibi at adayin molechet,
va'ani od nofel al birkai

Kshol libi va'ani bamoledet,
nuchi lach nishmati hanodedet
Rak hashemesh oti me'odedet,
ve'overet achshav me'alai

Chabki otiā€¦.

Across from your hot shores
I am coming back to you, my love

You knew in your heart I will come back,
That only your bosom can calm down
The lost son that arrives via the air ways
Arrives without any condition

From up here you look like paradise
Again I will count the stars for you
This is the last stop, no other beyond it,
You have been and stayed all my life

Hug me, don't ignore me
Forgive me, Mother, and call my name
Because I never forgot what I promised
And I have opened a new page

You have changed, you don't smile any more
Here and there you lose your way
You still rule my heart,
and I fall down on my knees

My heart and I are back in the homeland
My wandering soul can rest now
Only the sun encourages me,
passing over me now


The song was written by Avihu Medina in September 2001
for the return of Joe Amar, one of the first Morroccan/Mizrachi singers
who came back to Israel after many years of living in the United States.

LYRICS Ehud Manor
MUSIC Avihu Medina
SINGER Avihu Medina & Joe Amar



The words to this song were transliterated and translated by
Chana Shuvaly of Shir Verikud, Melbourne, Australia.

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