
Durme, durme
mi alma donzella
durme, durme
sin ansia y dolor
durme, durme
sin ansia y dolor.

Heq tu sclavo tanto dezea
ver tu sueño con grande amor
ver tu sueño con grande amor.

Hay dos años que sufre mi alma
por ti, joya, mi linda dama
por ti, joya, mi linda dama.

Siente, siente al son de mi guitarra
siente, hermosa, mis males cantar
siente, hermosa, mis males cantar.

Sleep, sleep
My beloved damsel
Sleep, sleep
Without anxiety or pain
Sleep, sleep
Without anxiety or pain

Here is your slave, who wishes a lot
To watch over your sleep with the greatest of love
To watch over your sleep with the greatest of love

For two years mi soul is suffering
Because of you, my jewel, my beautiful lady
Because of you, my jewel, my beautiful lady

Listen, listen to my guitar
Listen, beautiful lady, my evils to sing
Listen, beautiful lady, my evils to sing

MUSIC Ladino

Yehoram Gaon

CD Ladino Masterpieces Vol.2
Track 3
Words sent in by Marcos R. Roca of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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