Ani chozeret el ha ya'ar, lelaket gachliliyot
Orot ketanim hisharti beh ozvi
Milim kvedot mitza'ar
Shelo yachlu la'uf
Shirim shelo asafti belechti

Ani chozeret le avar, lelaket gachliliyot
Livnot mehen sulam shel kochavim
Shvilim shelo halachti, ki lo yachlu lihyot
Ulai od mechakim sham bishvili

Im tavo libi lesham
Tavo el he'avar bli la atzor
Na asof et kol hatov
Na asof et col hatom
Na asof gachlilyot venachazor

Yalda sham mechaka li, hi mitahevet bli lirot
Gachliliyot dolkot sviva be or bohek
Bo'i shuv elay, eshmor alaich mitzarot
Bo'i ubeyachad nitchazek

Ani chozeret le avar, lo pochedet mehazman
Yoda'at lehavchin bein tov vera
Na'asof et kol hatov, et kol ha or et kol hatom
Navi otam lechan bachazara

Im tavo libi lesham
Tavo el he'avar bli la atzor
Na'asof et kol hatov
Na'asof et col hatom
Na'asof gachlilyot venachazor
I'm returning to the forest to gather fireflies
Tiny lights I have left behind
Words heavy from grief
that couldn t fly
Songs I didn t gather when I left.

I'm returning to the past to gather fireflies
To build with them a ladder of stars
Pathways I didn t take, which could not have been there
Maybe they are still waiting there for me

If you will go there, my heart
Come to the past without stopping
We will gather all the good
We will gather all the innocence
We will gather fireflies and return

A girl is there waiting, she falls in love without seeing
Fireflies surround her with bright light
Come back to me, I will keep you from harm
Together we will grow stronger

I go back to the past, with no fear of the time
I can tell right from wrong
We will gather all the good, the light and the innocence
And bring them back here

If you will go there, my heart
Come to the past without stopping
We will gather all the good
We will gather all the innocence
We will gather fireflies and return



Hebrew words

LYRICS Asthar Shamir
MUSIC Asthar Shamir
SINGER Asthar Shamir
CD Because The People I Like  Track 1



Words transliterated and translated by Ayelet Bukai of Sunnyvale California USA
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