Al kotel hamizrach ezov yarok vetachav
Veruach elohim mikedem
shama nacha
Haoren komato al
har vaemek shacha
Ba'agan hayam nigun
Al kotel hamizrach
shirey roim meofek
Uvashvakim ey sham
rochesh poem hadofek.
Vetzuf sham vechela
venofet vetinofet
Ba'agan hayam salat
Umashehu amok
balev omer li kach o kach
Tirtze o lo tirtze
shelcha la'ad hu kotel hamizrach.
Al kotel hamizrach
magen david lefele
Veal arvot bachutz
taluy kinor hamelech,
Kochav ulevana utzlav
al pney hapelech
Ba'agan hayam haruach
Al kotel hamizrach
avak afor ufiach
Hasha'ar yisager
manul vegam bariach
Sham komer vechazan
umuazin al tzriach
Ba'agan hayam sirat
On the eastern wall
there is green moss and dampness,
And the spirit of
God swells there,
The Pine tree looks
over the mountain and valley
And at the basin
of the sea- a flute's melody.
You can hear the
songs of the shepherd,
In the markets the
pulse beats,
You can find there
honeydew, nectar, dirt and filth,
In the basin of the
sea- eggplant salad.
Something deep in
the heart says: doesn't matter what happens,
The Eastern Wall
is yours forever.
On the Eastern Wall
the Star of David,
And his violin hangs
on the willows.
A star, a moon and
a cross,
In the basin of the
sea the wind flies.
The Eastern Wall
is covered with Grey dust and soot,
The gate will be
closed with locks and bar.
You will find a Priest,
a Rabbi and a Muezzin on the tower
In the basin of the
sea a boat sails.