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Ve'af al pi sheyitmahmehah,
Im kol zeh achakeh lo
achakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo.

Ve'af al pi sheyitmahmehah,
Im kol zeh achakeh lo
achakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo.

Ani ma'amin,
ani ma'amin be'emuno (emunah) sheleymo (sh'lemah)
bevias (beviat) hamoshiach ani ma'amin.

Ani ma'amin,
ani ma'amin be'emuno (emunah) sheleymo (sh'lemah)
bevias (beviat) hamoshiach ani ma'amin.

Moshiach moshiach moshiach oyoyoyoyoy
Moshiach moshiach moshiach oyoyoyoyoy


And even though he may tarry,
Nonetheless I will wait for him
I will wait every day for him to come.

And even though he may tarry,
Nonetheless I will wait for him
I will wait every day for him to come.

I believe,
I believe with complete faith
in the coming of the Messiah, I believe.

I believe,
I believe with complete faith
in the coming of the Messiah, I believe.

Messiah, messiah, messiah ohohohohoh
Messiah, messiah, messiah ohohohohoh

Mordechai ben David
Moshiach Moshiach Moshiach Track 1

Words transliterated and transliterated by George Jacubovits of Thornhill, Ontario, Canada.
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