Hu lo yachzor veat mevina
kvar ein lach siba lehamshich livkot
Hu lo yachzor veat lo yalda
kvar higia
hazman lehafsik lechakot
Ein lach siba lehamshich livkot
higia hazman lehafsik lechakot
Yesh lach
kol vegitara az shiri
Shir megaresh et hachoshech balayla - hey ho -
Shir mechazek et halev beyamim kashim
Al tahafchi et haetzev
al titmakri laga'aguim
Kumi utzi haolam lefanayich
hu yechaber lach shirim acherim
Al titmakri laga'aguim hu yechaber lach shirim acherim
Yesh lach kol
Ha'ahava mehsotetet
tzoania shehalcha leibud
Yesh la sear tzeva shemesh boeret
at tezahi ota bekalut
tzoania shehalcha leibud at tezahi ota bekalut
yesh lach kol
Al ta'atzri ota
tni la lalechet
ikvi achareha lean shetelech
Lechi achareha lechi achareha
hi ta'akof michsholim bishvilech
Lechi achareha lean shetelech hi ta'akof michsholim bishvilech
Yesh lach kol
Hi telamed otach
hi tegale lach
tavini et sfat hatziporim
Ma shekara lach uma sheikre lach
at tilmedi lahafoch leshirim
tavini et sfat hatziporim at tilmedi lahafoch leshirim
yesh lach kol
He won't come back and you understand
That there is no reason to keep on crying
He won't come back and you're not a child any more
The time has come to stop waiting
He won't come back and you're not a child any more
The time has come to stop waiting
have a voice and a guitar so sing
A song chases away the darkness in the night
a song makes the heart stronger in difficult days
make sadness your home
don't get addicted to longings
Get up and out the world is in front of you
it will write other songs for you
wanders around like a gypsy that lost her way
Her hair is the colour of the burning sun
You will be able to identify it
Don't stop her - let her go
Follow her wherever she goes
Follow her, follow he,
She will by-pass the obstacles for you
It will teach you it will reveal to you,
you will understand the language of the birds
What ever happened to you what ever will happen to you
You will turn into songs