Bayamim tropim ka'eleh
Ksheh halev eino nirgah,
Ha'adam noseh einav
leme'at shalvah tamah.
B'leilot tropim pi elef,
b'ein or asher yigah
Hu margish karov
le'imah adamah.
Shiru shir amen
Shiru shir amen
venir'eh shehatikva lo avoodah
Shiru shir amen
Shiru shir amen
venir'eh vadai sheh ein zo agadah.
Veyamim tovim me'eleh
Ya'aloo min hase'arah
veyavo me'at margoa gam laneshama.
Baleilot shlavim shel peleh
Sheyavo bimeherah
od nohav me'od et ima adama
Shiru shir amen
Shiru shir amen
venir'eh shehatikva lo avoodah
Shiru shir amen
Shiru shir amen
venir'eh vadai sheh ein zo agadah. |
In tropical days such as these,
when the heart is not quiet.
A person seeks
a small amount of quiet peacefulness.
In tropical nights a thousand-fold,
between light which will come.
He feels close
to mother earth.
Sing a song of amen
Sing a song of amen
and we'll see that hope is not lost.
Sing a song of amen
Sing a song of amen
and we'll see for sure that this is no dream.
And better days than these
will rise from the windstorm
and a little calm will come to the soul.
In the quiet nights of wonder
that will come quickly
we will still love mother earth.
Sing a song of amen
Sing a song of amen
and we'll see that hope is not lost.
Sing a song of amen
Sing a song of amen
and we'll see for sure that this is no dream.