V'shuv yorda aleinu shayeret chasidot
Baderech min hasheleg el hashemesh
U'v'chultzat Shabbat hilbinu hasadot
Likrat ha'stav artzi chama noshemet
Hinei yored ha'stav im ha'shkiya ha'atzuva
Al derech he'afar v'al ikvot ha'ahava
Al merchavei hashelef v'loven hakutnah
Al p'nei ha'anashim tz'ruvei hakayitz
Al mish'olei ha'eder tzonei'ach ha'avak
Alei ha'izdarechet bis'charchoret
Roshei hachatzavim shuv olim min hamachnak Shebein Rosh Hashanah l'vein
Nashuv v'na'avor bein chama l'vein anan
Al derech he'afar hamitchadeshet
Al pnei s'dot hakutna ha'omdim b'eirumam
Bein b'rak hamamterot l'vein hageshem
Once again a flock of stocks descends over us
On their path from the snow to the sun.
And in Sabbath shirts, the fields have turned white. Coming into autumn,
my land breathes warmly.
Behold autumn comes down, with the sad sunset Over the dirt road and
over the footsteps of love Over expanses of harvested fields and the
whiteness of cotton
Over the faces of people burnt by the summer
the paths of the flock, the dust plummets
The leaves of the azedarach tree flutter dizzily Heads of the squills
(flowers) rise again in the stifling air between Rosh Hashanah and the
again pass between sun and cloud
On the dusty road, which renews itself
Over the cotton fields, standing in their barrenness Between the glistening
of the water sprinklers,
and the rain