To-to-to-to-to toda raba, raba m'od.
Al hasha'ot hachi na'ot,
Al hayamim, al haleilot.
Hachagigot hachi g'dolot -
Hakol haya kmo m'siba,
Ken, kmo m'siba.
Toda, toda raba, toda -
Toda raba!

To-to-to-to toda raba, raba m'od.
Efshar lomar l'hitraot,
Im zeh nigmar, zeh lo ason.
Haya nechmad -
Ma la'asot?
Tamid yesh sof l'chawl davar,
Ken, l'chawl davar,
Yesh sof l'chawl davar.
Yesh sof l'chawl davar.
Toda raba!
Toda raba. Toda to to to to toda raba.

To-to-to-to-to toda raba, mikerev lev.
Hakol over, hakol cholef,
Gam ahava kawl-kach g'dola.
Pit'om lamut, hi y'chola -
V'zeh nigmar kmo shezeh ba
Ken, kmo shezeh ba.
Toda, toda raba, toda,
Toda raba!

Toda raba.
Ma shehaya,
Ulai hay'ta v'lo chozer.
Ulai hay'ta v'lo chozer.
Machar yelech gam zeh sheba.
Toda raba!
Toda raba. Toda to to to to toda raba

Hachagigot hachi g'dolot -
Hakol haya kmo m'siba,
Ken, kmo m'siba.
Toda, toda raba, toda -
Toda raba!

Thanks a lot, thanks very, very much.
For the pleasantest hours,
For the days, for the nights.
[For] the biggest celebrations -
Everything was like a party,
Yes, like a party.
Thanks, thanks a lot, thanks -
Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot, thanks very, very much.
We can say goodbye,
If it's over, it's not a tragedy.
It was charming -
What can we do?
Always, there's an end to everything,
Yes, to everything,
There is an end to everything.
There is an end to everything.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot, from the depths of my heart.
Everything passes,
Even such a great love.
It can suddenly die -
And it's over as it came.
Yes, as it came.
Thanks, thanks a lot, thanks,
Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot
What happened,
Perhaps was and will not return.
Perhaps was and will not return.
Tomorrow even what comes today will go away.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot.

The biggest celebrations -
Everything was like a party,
Yes, like a party.
Thanks, thanks a lot, thanks -
Thanks a lot!


From the 1979 Israel Song Festival

Click here for the pdf of the Hebrew words

LYRICS Avinoam Koren
MUSIC Beni Nagari
SINGER Ricki Gal
RECORDING Israel Song Festival 1979, CBS 83258
CD The Best Of Riki Gal   Disk 2  Track 11
DANCE VIDEO Demonstrated by Connie Katz and friends

Words transliterated and translated by Malka Tischler of New York, USA
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