K’sheharabi mezamer, K’sheharabi mezamer, Mezamrim hachasidim, Mezamrim hachasidim. Yaba bah bah bam
Uk’sheharav tzochek, Uk’sheharav tzochek, Tzocheket kok hachevrayah, Tzocheket kok hachevrayah. Ha ha ha ha ha… Tzocheket kok hachevrayah.
Uk’sheharav bocheh, Uk’sheharav bocheh, Bochim az kol hachasidim, Bochim az kol hachasidim. Tra la la la…. Bochim az kol hachasidim.
When the rebbe sings, When the rebbe sings, All the Hassidim sing along, All the Hassidim sing along. Yaba bah bah bam.
And when the rebbe laughs, And when the rebbe laughs, All the company laughs with him, All the company laughs with him. Hah ha ha ha ha… All the company laughs with him.
And when the rebbe cries, And when the rebbe cries, All the Hassidim cry with him, All the Hassidim cry with him. Tra la la la la… All the Hassidim cry with him.
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