Chatanu lefanecha, rachem aleinu.
Adon haselichot, Bochen levavot. Goleh amukot, Dover tzedakot.
Chatanu lefanecha, rachem aleinu. (x2)
Hadur benifla'ot, Vatik benechamot. Zocher b'rit avot, Choker kelayot.
Chatanu lefanecha, rachem aleinu. (x2)
Male zachiyot, Nora tehillot. Soleach avonot Oneh vatzarot.
Chatanu lefanecha, rachem aleinu. (x2)
We have sinned before You, have mercy upon us.
Master of forgiveness, Examiner of hearts. Revealer of the depths, Speaker of righteousness.
We have sinned before You, have mercy upon us. (x2)
Glorious in wonders, Eternal in consolations, Who remembers the covenant of our forefathers, Reader of all our hidden parts.
We have sinned before You, have mercy upon us. (x2)
Perfect with good attributes, Awesome in praises. Who forgives wrongdoings, And answers those in distress.
We have sinned before You, have mercy upon us. (x2)