Verse 1
Bir'choveinu hatzar
gar nagar echad muzar.
Hu yoshev bitzrifo
velo oseh davar.

Ish eino ba liknot,
ve'ein ish mevaker,
U'shnatayim she'hu
kvar eino menager.

Vehu chalom echad nose od bil'vavo
livnot kise le'Eliyahu she'yavo ,
al kapav oto yavi,
Le'Eliyahu Hanavi.

Vehu yoshev umechakeh lo
Kvar shanim cholem hu sheyizkeh lo,
al sodo shomer umechakeh lo
matai kvar yagi'ah hayom?

Verse 2
Bir'chovenu hatzar
gar sandlar echad muzar.
Hu yoshev bitzrifo
velo oseh davar.

Medafav harekim
mechusim be'avak
Kvar shnatayim munach,
hameratze'a basak.

Vehu cholem ki na'alaim hu tofer,
ban al harim yinvu raglei hamevaser.
Al kapav otan yavi,
le'Eliyahu Hanavi.

Vehu yoshev umechakeh lo
Kvar shanim cholem hu sheyizkeh lo,
al sodo shomer umechakeh lo
matai kvar yagi'ah hayom?

Verse 3
Bi'y'rushalayim yeshno
ish legamrei lo tza'ir,
shebana harbeh batim
bechol pinot ha'ir.

Hu mekir kol simtah,
kol rechov ush'chunah,
hu boneh et ha'ir
kvar shiv'im shanah.

Vehu cholem ki k'mo she'et ha'ir banah,
yani'ach lamikdash et even-hapinah.
Al kapav otah yavi,
le'Eliyahu Hanavi.

Vehu yoshev umechakeh lo
Kvar shanim cholem hu sheyizkeh lo,
al sodo shomer umechakeh lo
matai kvar yagi'ah hayom?


Verse 1
On our narrow street
there lives a strange carpenter.
He sits in his hut
and doesn't do a thing.

No one comes to buy,
and no one comes to visit,
and it's been two years
since he's done any carpentry.

And he carries but one dream in his heart
to build a throne for Elijah who will come,
on the palms of his hands he will bring it,
to Elijah the Prophet.

And he sits and waits for him
for years he's been dreaming he will be worthy
he guards his secret and awaits him
When will the day come?

Verse 2
On our narrow street
there lives a strange shoemaker.
he sits in his hut
and doesn't do a thing.

His empty shelves
are covered with dust.
For two years has his awl
has been sitting in a sack.

And he dreams that he'd make a pair of shoes
to be worn on the feet of the Herald,
on the palms of his hands he will carry them,
To Elijah the Prophet.

And he sits and waits for him
for years he's been dreaming he will be worthy
he guards his secret and awaits him
When will the day come?

Verse 3
In Jerusalem there is
a man entirely not young,
he built many houses
in all corners of the city.

He knows each alley,
every street and neighborhood,
He builds the city
for seventy years already.

And he dreams that just as he built the city
he will lay the cornerstone of the Holy Temple.
On the palms of his hands he will bring it
to Elijah the Prophet.

And he sits and waits for him
for years he's been dreaming he will be worthy
he guards his secret and awaits him
When will the day come?

על כפיו יביא

Hebrew words

Yoram Teharlev
Ya'ir Rozenbloom
Rivkah Zohar (Original version)
Dudu Fisher
Zehava Ben
Avi Peretz
Ronit Ofir
Shlomo Maman

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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