Lichvod kvodo kvodchem kvodenu
Yamin usmol be’ad artzenu
Ze derby am chofshi
Vehakahal sho’eg

Shichron chushim sin’at chinam
Shchitut hada’at dam mul dam
Kadur onshin ze gol atzmi
Az ma ani do’eg

Zot ligat milchamot pe’er
Mi rishon lehista’er
Hashofet hu ben zona
Nisrof et hamo’adon

Hashe’arim achshav kursim
Ha’ohadim shenidchasim
Nilchamim venirmasim
Belachatz he’hamon

Az bo’u venanif et hadegel
Yad beyad veregel regel
Ze mischak she’en bo nitzachon
Shiru shir haleluya
Lichvod hanes shelo haya
Ulechaye hanhalat ha’itzdadyon

Uvchen kvodo kvodchem kvodenu
Le’an ze mu’adot panenu
Kulam yod’im kulam tzodkim
Baderech el habank

Efshar lakum efshar lipol
Efshar gam klum efshar hakol
Hamashi’ach bo yavo
Rachuv al gav shel tank


For his honor, for their honor for our honor
Right and left for our country
This is derby free nation
And the public roars

Lose of senses unnecessary hatred
Immoral mind blood for blood
Penalty is own goal
So why am I worried?

It is the glorified wars league
Who will be the first to attack
The empire is a son of a bitch
We will burn the club

The goals are now collapsing
The fans are packed in
Fighting and getting crushed
Due to the public pressure

So let’s raise the flag
Hand in hand foot and foot
This is a match with no winners
Sing Halleluiah
In honor of the miracle which didn’t happen
And to the life of the stadium management

Well, your honor, your honors, our honor
Where are we heading?
Everybody knows everybody is right
On the way to the bank

We can get up, you can fall down
We can do nothing and we can do it all
The Messiah will come
Riding on the back of a tank

Hebrew words

Read about the album Ahava Al Tnai

Yehuda Poliker
Yehuda Poliker
Yehuda Poliker
Ahava Al Tnai Track 11

Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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