Tel Aviv lifnei chatzot haru'ach lo
rotzah linshov, vehalachot lo
marpah oti choneket
Beveit kafeh bein hashchunot
Od lo kibu et ha'orot.

Al kisei yashan levada yoshevet
Ani lo batu'ach mah lomar, im
kedai bichlal lageshet, laseget
veru'ach ba'ah min hayam, hi
mashlichah mabat katan oti
hi mazminah lashevet.

Hi mazminah hafuch lishneinu
verak mitlonenet al hachom
Eizeh chom ulai nazuz sho'elet
Gara bedira schora mamash
Karov laderech hashalom
Nazmin cheshbon halaylah
lo holchim lishon.

BeTel Aviv acharei chatzot
Olim bacheder madregot
Motzi'ah maftechot potechet delet,
shulchan katan shtei kursa'ot
Sho'elet mah tirtzeh lishtot
Ani margish mamash kmo
dmut miseret, shtei kosot al
hashulchan, vehi mozeget
umozeget, oti gomeret
Potechet od yayin lavan,
zoreket li od chiyuch katan
Le'at lalev sheli nichneset.

Hi mazminah hafuch lishneinu
verak mitlonenet al hachom
Eizeh chom ulai nazuz sho'elet
Gara bedira schora mamash
Karov laderech hashalom
Nazmin cheshbon.

Bein kol mah shekoreh beineinu
Madlik mazgen biglal hachom
Eizeh chom. Ulai nelech lacheder
Im atah rotzeh, atah yachol
lehisha'er po gam lishon. Eizeh
lishon, halaylah lo osim cheshbon.

Hi mazminah hafuch lishneinu
verak mitlonenet al hachom
Eizeh chom ulai nazuz sho'elet
Gara bedira schora mamash
Karov laderech hashalom
Nazmin cheshbon.

Bein kol mah shekoreh beineinu
Madlik mazgen biglal hachom
Eizeh chom. Ulai nelech lacheder
Im atah rotzeh, atah yachol
lehisha'er po gam lishon. Eizeh
lishon, halaylah lo osim cheshbon.

Halaylah lo osim cheshbon.


Tel Aviv before midnight the
wind does not want to blow
And the humidity doesn't
let go, suffocating me
In a cafe between the neighborhoods,
the lights are yet to be turned off.

She is sitting alone on an old chair
I'm not sure what to say, and if
I should approach at all, retreat
As a breeze comes from the sea,
she casts a small look at me,
inviting me to sit.

She orders "au lait" for both of us
and just complains about the heat.
"How hot it is, may we go?" she asks.
She is living in a rented apartment
really close to the path of peace.
Asking for a bill, tonight we're
not going to sleep.

In Tel Aviv after midnight,
ascending a stairwell
She takes out keys that open a door.
A small table and two armchairs
She asks what would you want to
drink, I really feel like a
character from a movie
Two glasses on the table and she
pours and pours, finishing me
Opening another white wine, throws
me a little smile slowly coming
into my heart.

She orders "au lait" for both of us
and just complains about the heat.
"How hot it is, may we go?" she asks.
She is living in a rented apartment
really close to the path of peace.
Asking for a bill.

Aside from everything that happens
between us, an air conditioner
turns on because of the heat
"How hot it is, may we go to the
room?" she asks. "If you want you
can stay here and sleep."
What sleep? Tonight we're not
going to consider...

She orders "au lait" for both of us
and just complains about the heat.
"How hot it is, may we go?" she asks.
She is living in a rented apartment
really close to the path of peace.
Asking for a bill.

Aside from everything that happens
between us, an air conditioner
turns on because of the heat
"How hot it is, may we go to the
room?" she asks. "If you want you
can stay here and sleep."
What sleep? Tonight we're not
going to consider...

Tonight we're not going to consider...

דרך השלום

Hebrew words

Words transliterated and translated by Howard Wachtel of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
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