דאס ליד פון ברויט
Groyser Got! mir zingen lider. Undzer hilf bistu aleyn. Nemt tsunoyf di snopes, brider Repeat 3 & 4 Biz di zun vet unter geyn
Zol di zun undz brien, brotn, zi hot undz geshaynt tsum glik Zet dos broit iz undz gerotn, Repeat 3 & 4 Kinder, keyn mol nit tsurik.
Zoln undzere kinder visn Fun a lebn oyf der velt. Az dos broyt, un yeder bisn Repeat 3 & 4 Iz fun undzer eygn feld.
Great God! we sing hymns. You alone are our help Gather the sheaves of wheat, brothers, Till the sun will set.
May the sun burn and roast us' The sun's rays brought us luck How well the bread has turned out, Children, we can not return to our past.
Let our children know Of a good Life on this earth That the bread and every bite Is from our own field.
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A Shavuot song. It is called "The song of Bread", text and music by Warshawsky, who wrote"Oifn Pripetshik". He dedicated this song to the Jewish pioneers of Palestine.
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