Heg'ati lechan k'dei lenatze'ach, lo avarti hakol k'dei lehafsid, lo ekbor et roshi bachol, lo em'ad velo epol, efros kanaf ve'a'uf layare'ach.
Ein gvulot milvad hadimyon, ein gvulot, ein davar she'ani lo uchal la'asot, ein gvulot milvad hadimyon, ein gvulot, ein davar she'ani lo uchal leshanot.
Heg'ati lechan k'dei lenatze'ach et ha'achzavah, lo avarti hakol k'dei lichyot et chayay bli lach'vot ahavah, lo ekbor et roshi bachol, elachem ve'akriv hakol, ad she'agi'a eleicha.
Avarti kol mah she'avarti, safagti elbon al elbon, Balailah einaim atzamti vechayti chalom... ani chayti chalom.
Ein gvulot, ein, ein, ein gvulot ein davar she- ein davar she'ani lo uchal la'asot, lo od, lo od, lo od; Avarti kol mah she'avarti, safagti elbon al elbon, balailah einaim atzamti vechayti chalom... ani chayti chalom.
I came here in order to win, I didn't go through everything in order to lose, I won't bury my head in sand, I won't slip and I won't fall I'll spread my wings and fly to the moon.
There are no limits besides the imagination, no limits, nothing that I won't be able to do, there are no limits besides the imagination, no limits, nothing that I won't be able to do,
I came here in order to win over disappointment, I didn't go through everyting in order to live my life wihout experiencing love, I won't bury my head in sand, I will fight and I'll sacrifice everything, until I will come to you.
I went through all that I went through, I absorbed insult after insult, At night I closed my eyes and lived a dream I lived a dream.
There are no limits, no, no, no limits there's nothing that I won't be able to do, not anymore, not anymore, I went through all that I went through, I absorbed insult after insult, tonight I closed my eyes and lived a dream I lived a dream.