Bo venis'tovev, nishteh kafeh al ma'akeh niten laru'ach lelatef, niten layom lehit'chalef bo nelech bekaf'kafim ksheha'etzba techaven ki hayom gam hachaim hem od shir shemit'nagen k'mo...
Eize yom yafeh bo na'atzor et hasha'on venich'yeh beyom yafeh k'mo beyomenu harishon eizeh yom yafeh bo nis'tovev michof lechof ki leyom kazeh yafeh lo niten stam lachalof...
Bo nif'tach et haradio, nag'bir et havolume el hatikrah beyom shel chofesh shekazeh, hasof hu rak hahat'chalah az nir'kod ad or haboker bein esrot ha'anashim ki lo olim bich'lal beyoker dvarim k'tanim shemesam'chim k'mo...
Eizeh yom yafeh...
Bo venechayech nish'kach lerega kol davar ki beyom kazeh yafeh hakol mat'chil hakol nig'mar...
Eizeh yom yafe...
Let's go around, we'll drink coffee on the railing we'll let the wind stroke, we'll let the day pass let's go with gloves when the finger points because today life too is still a song playing like...
What a beautiful day let's stop the clock and we'll live in a beautiful day like on our first day what a beautiful day let's go around from shore to shore because a day this beautiful we won't let just pass...
Let's turn on the radio, raise the volume to the ceiling on a holiday like this, the end is just the beginning so we'll dance till the light of morning between tens of people because little things that bring joy are not expensive at all like...
What a beautiful day...
Come and let's smile we'll forget everything for a moment because on a beautiful day like this everything starts everything finishes...
What a beautiful day...
French |
Viens on va se promener, on va prendre un caf? On laisse le vent nous caresser Et la nouvelle journ?e arrive On va mettre nos sandales Parce qu’aujourd’hui, la vie est comme une chanson
Quelle belle journ?e Viens on va arr?ter le temps On va vivre cette belle journ?e comme si c’?tait la premi?re Quelle belle journ?e Viens on va se promener d’une plage ? une autre Une si belle journ?e On ne va pas la laisser passer comme ?a
On va allumer la radio et mettre ? fond la musique Parce que dans une telle journ?e de libert? La fin ce n’est que le d?but On va danser jusqu’? l’aube Parce que les petites choses qui rendent heureux ne co?tent pas cher
Viens on va sourire On va oublier tout Pendant une journ?e aussi belle tout commence et tout finit
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