Shuv ani nogeya bayofi shelach,
Umevakesh bachalomot
Rak lihyot itach,
El ha'ananim harechokim na'uf,
Yad beyad banefesh uvaguf.

Elech itach ba'ahavah,
Ad sof ha'olam,
Adamyen otach bechol rega,
Ehyeh shelach gam im lo kal,
At zoremet li badam,
Bishvilech ehyeh lenatzeach.

Shuv ani lokeyach neshimah achat,
Umenaseh shelo tir'i
Dim'ah she'at yatzart,
Noset itach milim
Lelo shum havchanah,
Lo omeret et hamilah hanechonah.

Elech itach ba'ahavah,
Ad sof ha'olam,
Adamyen otach bechol rega,
Ehyeh shelach gam im lo kal,
At zoremet li badam,
Bishvilech ehyeh lenatzeach.


I'm touching your beauty again
And wishing in my dreams,
just to be with you
Over the highest clouds we'll fly
Hand with hand by soul and body

I'll go with you in love
Till the end of the world
I'll imagine you every moment
I'll be yours even when it's hard
You're in my blood
For you I'll be forever

I'm taking one deep breath again
And i'm trying to keep from you,
A tear that you have made
Saying words
Without paying attention
Never saying the right word

I'll go with you in love
Till the end of the world
I'll imagine you every moment
I'll be yours even when it's hard
You're in my blood
For you I'll be forever.

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Hebrew words

Listen to the song

Ozi Bokobza
Ozi Bokobza
Eliel Hillel

Words transliterated and translated by Eliel Hillel of Ofaqim, Israel.
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