Eliyahu hanavi
Eliyahu hatish'bi
Eliyahu hagil'adi -

Bim'herah (beyameinu) yavo eleinu
im Mashi'ach ben David.

Dance version:
Eliyahu letzarotai dai emor
mikol mish'mar oti tish'mor
levash kin'ah har'eni nifl'aot
raglecha yin'vu be'eretz hapla'ot

Eliyahu hanavi
ha'er netivi
Eliyahu chidesh sasoni/chadesh sesoni
uvarech me'oni

Na hashev banai el eretz ha'avot
mizmor chadash mishmei aravot
lahem hane'em vesol hamesilah
have goalim ve'imo hatehilah
habe goalim ve'imo hatehilah

Eliyahu hanavi...

Me'afsaim na kabetz et p'zurai
vehak'valim p'tach le'asirai
Yerushalaim betach teshev
veru'ach chadashah be'artzi tenashev
veru'ach chadashah be'artzi tenashev

Eliyahu hanavi...


Elijah the prophet
Elijah the Tishbite
Elijah the Giladite -

May he soon (in our days) come to us,
with the messiah son of David.

Dance version:
Elijah say enough to my woes
guard me more any treasure
dress me with pride, show me miracles
your feet shall dwell in the land of wonders

Elijah the prophet
the Tishbite
show me my path
Elijah renew my joy
and bless my home

Please return my sons to the land of the forefathers
a new chorus from the skies of the wilderness
make them pleasant, pave the way
bring the redeemer and with him the praise
bring the redeemer and with him the praise

Elijah the prophet...

From the ends of the Erthe reunite the dispersed
and open the chains of the prisoners
Jerusalem shall be secure
and a new wind shall blow in my land
and a new wind shall blow in my land

Elijah the prophet...

אליהו הנביא

Hebrew words

View our list of Passover songs and dances

From the Passover Haggadah

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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