Baleilot hachi karim echoz adam ba'emunah sheyamim me'usharim od mechakim lo bapinah k'hashemesh mistateret venisheret anenah yesh sikui she'hi chozeret rak bizchut ha'emunah.
Kol echad vekol achat bechol lashon umedinah nifradim beshem hadat venifgashim ba'emunah. Hanotzri hamuslemi vegam haben shel hasakanah mekavim lichyot machar velihyot be'emunah.
Kvar amru mizman sheharatzon niten bechavanah kol haderech mehalev lehashgachah ha'elyonah. K'shelamadnu ledaber et hamilah harishonah lo hayah davar acher haytah sham rak ha'emunah.
In the coldest night man holds to his faith that happy days wait for him around the corner as the sun hides and stays clouded there's a chance that it'll return only by faith.
Everyone in every language and country separated by religion and meeting in faith. The Christian, Moslem and even the son of danger hope to live tomorrow in faith.
It was said long ago that will is given on purpose each road from the heart to the highest supervision When we learned to speak the first word there was nothing else, just faith.
Fools Of Prophecy (Shotei Hanevu'ah) |
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