Eifoh yeshnam od anashim
k'mo ha'ish hahu,
asher hayah ka'aravot habochiyot.

Lemargelot hahar nolad leyad hanachal.
Bachoref shar bein aravot bochiyot.
Bakayitz bein orot bitz'ei hamayim
lachmo shile'ach al pnei nachal ladagah.
Miknei hasuf karat lo afifon
uch'shehayah la'ish
migiv'olei ha'aravot habochiyot neta suka
me'even hamivtzar ha'aforah banah lo bait,
al mei hanachal tachanah hekim,
zar'a sadot.
Shlach ono al pnei hayam be'aniot socher.
Ach yesh asher yani'ach klei m'lachto,
veyihyeh pit'om le'ish acher.

Eifoh yeshnam...

Lemargelot hahar nolad leyad hanachal
yidod p'zur nefesh al hahar o bav'chaim.
Uvenoflo bevoker lo avot echad al admato,
yiknu lo achuzat olam,
leyad amot hamayim hash'ketot.

Eifo yeshnam...

Uch'mo mivtzar atik hayah besof haderech.

Eifo yeshnam...


Where are there more people
Like that man
That was like the weeping willows

By the mountain footsteps, he was born by the creek
In the winter he sang among the weeping willows
In the summer among the lights of the shallow waters
His bread he spread on the creek for the fish
From the reed he shaped himself a kite
And when he became a man
From the stems of the weeping willows he built a sun-shade/ sukkah
From the fortress grey stone he built himself a house
on the creek he built a mill
He planted fields
He sent his might over the seas in merchant ships
But there is one that will rest his tools
And suddenly become a different person

Where are there more …..

By the mountain footsteps, he was born by the creek
He will wonder absent minded on the mountain or in the Poplar grove
And when he is fallen on a clear morning on his land
They will buy him a grave site
By the quiet water aquaducts

Where are there more …..

And like an ancient fortress he was at the end of the road

Where are there more …..

Hebrew words

Posting by Chana Shuvaly on Rikud group:

This song written by Nathan Yehonatan z"l, who lost a son in the army.
Nathan, like the weeping willow he talks about in the song, was born straight
into the world at the foot of the mountain, away from all other villages.
Like the weeping willow, he knew how to use nature to his advantage. When he was young and looking for playmates he found the wind to be a friend, and in the summer he played with the fish and fed them bread. And so on. The song shows that he was born there, got married and built his house there, and when the time came his burial plot was there too. He resembles himself to the weeping willow which is flexible and stands strong against nature and the hardship of the world.

He asks : "where in the world can you find people like those weeping willows?".
Where can you find people like the weeping willow who stand tall and strong
against everything the world dishes out to them?
Another video
Video featuring part this song

Natan Yonatan
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
David D'or
Ronit Ofir
Rivkah Raz
Haninim Shel Toni
He Lost His Way Track 5

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Words translated by Hagai Halamish of Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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