Lif’amim ksheTel Aviv eina nisgeret Ani yored el hacafe shebapina Mabit el hatnu’a shelo otzeret Gam kshemashehu kore bamedina Ani kmo ale nidaf mikol eru’a Aval mazmin od kos caf? lashulchan Al ma ani omed im kol shavu’a Kol echad yachol litrof et ha’olam
Ani yode’a shebasof yimog hatza’ar uali Ulai machar ulai be’od shana Haru’ach hahodefet et hashachar Basof od teshane et kivuna
Velif’amim ksheTel Aviv eina nirdemet Ani tzo’ed im haketzev shel ha’ir Mitachat leraglai hi mehamhemet Tzlilim sheyerakmu basof beshir Nicho’ach shel caf? ba mikol ever Kulam omrim dvarim ra’im al hehatid Ve’echshehu hakol yihey beseder Me’at yoter, pachot midai, kemo tamid
Ani yode’a shebasof……
Haru’ach hanoshevet al batenu Me’arbelet ananaim shel se’ara Rachmi me’at, rachmi me’at alenu Havi’I lanu yom shel regi’a
Ani yode’a shebasof……
Sometimes when Tel Aviv doesn’t shut down I go down to the Caf? in the corner I look at the traffic which doesn’t stop Even when something happens in the country I am like a falling leaf when something happens But order another cup of coffee to the table What is my stand if every week Anyone can make the world insane
I know that at the end maybe sorrow will fade away Maybe tomorrow maybe another year The wind that pushes away dawn At the end will change its direction
And sometimes when Tel Aviv doesn’t go to sleep I march with the beat of the city It hums under my feet Sounds which will be embroided to a song at the end The scent of coffee comes from all directions They all say bad things about the future And somehow everything will be ok A bit more, a bit less, like always
I know that at the end maybe…..
The wind that blows on our homes Whirls clouds of storm Have a bit of mercy; have a bit of mercy on us Bring us a day of calm
I know that at the end maybe….
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