Alatah, va'ani stam mabitah eich hayare'ach shat, shat le'at le'at shuv ani mis'tovevet levadi veshoma'at merachok, shir kol kach matok
Ani shoma'at et hashir hazeh umish'taga'at vepit'om ani mitga'aga'at bo elai halailah bo yesh kochavim lemalah Ani shoma'at et hashir hazeh umish'taga'at vepit'om ani mitga'aga'at bo halailah bo elai
Bo elai, bo halailah od me'at bashamaim me'alai hayare'ach shat vekulo menatz'netz be'or zahav k'mo chalom betoch chalon bo kvar bo achshav
Ani shoma'at... |
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