Hayom Purim lanu Machar yom chol. El tzivah baPurim Oznei Haman echol. El tzivah lismo’ach, Hayom ’ad bli dai Ulevilti shacho’ach, Gam ani azai.
El tzivah baPurim Oznei Haman echol. Hayom Purim lanu Machar yom chol. El tzivah baPurim Oznei Haman echol. El tzivah baPurim Et Esther bareich.
Today we celebrate Purim Tomorrow is a regular day. The Lord commanded on Purim Hamantaschen to eat. The Lord commanded to be joyful Today, beyond all degree And never to forget withal Those in poverty no less.
The Lord commanded on Purim Hamantaschen to eat. Today we celebrate Purim Tomorrow is a regular day. The Lord commanded on Purim Hamantaschen to eat. The Lord commanded on Purim Queen Esther to bless.
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