Hayu leilot, ani otam zocheret Ani otam ad sof yamai esa. Bamish'olim bein Dagania leChineret Amda agalat chayai ha'amusah.
Vehu nigash, shim'i elai k'tantonet Ani baniti bayit leshivtech. At tir'kemi ba'erev li kutonet Ani enhag bayom et agalatech.
Hu haya az bahir vegavoha kezemer Hu nahag agalot lasadeh harachav. Va'ani lo kutonet hayiti rokemet Kutonet shel t'chelet im perach zahav.
Hayu leilot, ani otam zocheret Vehu et ha'etzim he'ir Et hashvilim bein Daganya leChineret Rak oti esh'mor lo letamid
Haya holech veshav elai kode'ach Haya nose dmuti mimul panav. Hagidu na, hayesh bachem yode'a Ei ana zeh halach lo velo shav?
Az hayiti bochah, az hayiti nid'hemet Besadot rechokim od halachti elav. Anochi od noset kutanto hamerukemet Kutonet shel t'chelet im perach zahav.
Hayu leilot, ani otam zocheret Ani otam ad sof yamai - esa.
There were nights, I remember them I will carry them till the end of my days On the way between Dagania and Kineret stood the loaded cart of my life.
And it arrived saying "listen to me little one I built a firm house for you. In the evening you'd weave a shirt for me, by day I will drive your carts."
He was fair and as tall as a melody, he drove the carts into the wide field. I would weave for him a shirt a blue shirt with a golden flower.
There were nights, I remember them. He lit up the trees, the roads between Dagania and Kineret that he would keep me with him forever.
He would leave and retun to me fever-ill. He'd carry my figure in front of his face Say, does anyone among you know where he went and why he never returned
Back then I cried and I was seized (by it) I went to him in the far fields and still I carry the weaved blue shirt blue shirt with a golden flower.
There were nights, I remember them I will carry them till the end of my days
Esther Ofarim |
Shoshanah Damari |
Zehava Ben |
Rita |
Gitit Shoval |
CD |
Esther Ofarim CD Track 1 |
Shoshanah Damari CD Track 16 |
Zehava Ben CD Track 2 |
Rita's Milestones CD Track 16 |
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