[Egyptian Guards]
Mud...And lift...Sand...And Pull
Water...And raise up...Straw...Faster!

With the sting of the whip on my shoulder
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
Elohim, God on high
Can you hear your people cry:
Help us now
This dark hour...

Deliver us
Hear our call
Deliver us
Lord of all
Remember us, here in this burning sand
Deliver us
There's a land you promised us
Deliver us to the promised land...

Yaldi hatov veharach
Al tira ve'al tif'chad
My son, I have nothing I can give
But this chance that you may live
I pray we'll meet again
If He will deliver us

Deliver us
Hear our prayer
Deliver us
From despair
These years of slavery grow
too cruel to stand
Deliver us
There's a land you promised us
Deliver us
Out of bondage and
Deliver us to the promised land...

Hush now, my baby
Be still, love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dream

River, o river
Flow gently for me
Such precious cargo you bear
Do you know somewhere
he can live free?
River, deliver him there...

[Young Miriam]
Brother, you're safe now
And safe may you stay
For I have a prayer just for you:
Grow, baby brother
Come back someday
Come and deliver us, too...

Deliver us
Send a shepherd to shepherd us
And deliver us to the promised land

Deliver us!


(My good and tender son)
(Don't be frightened and don't be scared)

Hebrew    English   

Edan Reigle is an American model

Alt. Translation:
Please dont cry, fall asleep restfully listen to the waves rustle, putting you to sleep with a lullaby, with you I shall be forever...
River's water that peacefully stream - protect such a perfect treasure, if you find any haven (of rest) please bring him there.
Video from the movie

Ofra Haza
Edan Reigle
Prince of Egypt

Words transliterated and translated by Thombo Burgess of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Hebrew translation by Solico of Rosh Ha'ayin, Israel.
English translation by Solico of Rosh Ha'ayin, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com



Yaldi hatov veharach
al tira ve'al tifchad
Yaldi, zot mimeni tekabel
rak sikui lehinatzel
la'El shuv et'palel
Ho Eli! Hoshia na!

[The part next to the Nile]

Al na tivke, heradem bim'nuchah!
Hak'shev le'ivshot hagalim
Otcha mar'dima beshir eres
Imcha ehyeh le'olamim
Mei hanahar shebenachat/belachat kol'chim
shimru al otzar ko mushlam
Im timtze'u eize chof miv'tachim
oto na havi'u lesham



My sweet and gentle child
dont you fear and be afraid!
My child, this from me you'll receive
just a chance to be saved
to God I'll pray again
Oh God, please deliver

Don't you cry, fall sleep peacefully
listen to the waves's sough
I'm putting you to sleep with a lullaby
I shall always be with you
River's water which joyfully/peacefully stream
keep this perfect treasure
if you find a safe shore
please bring him there

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=hoshiana