Al katef haChermon,
Beru’ach haglilit
Ani Israelit.

Bepardesei limon,
Tapuz ve’eshkolit
Ani Israelit.

Bebeit kafeh katan,
Al kos gdolah shel gezer,
Ani Israelit.

Keshebetochi shirei tasha”ch,
Odi chorezet
Ani Israelit.

Me’al bimot olam,
Be’hofa’ah leilit
Ani Israelit.

Ksheyesh bi tzchok rachav
Vega’avah cheilit
Ani Israelit.

Le’or nerot hachag,
Beyom pkuda o evel,
Be’ishama tzfira ola,
Chalil o nevel
Ani Israelit.

Israelit balev ubaneshama.
Beshem imi. Vegam bishmi.
Bechalomi ubedami.
Rikud vezemer amami.
Be ima adama.
Bashuk ubekinyon,
Behamula klalit
Ani Israelit.

Habaita bematos,
Im shir tikvah kalit

Od metzayeret be’einei ruchi shamayim.
Ve’Elohim echad umalachei knafayim
Ani Israelit.

Nosset shirei machar
Lemoshavah gvulit
Ani Israelit.

Befi tfilat shalom,
Kchula kemo talit
Ani Israelit.

La’ad, lanetzach, mechapeset et haderech.
La’ad, lanetzach chofshiya ume’usheret
Ani Israelit.

Israelit balev ubaneshama.
Beshem imi. Vegam bishmi.
Bechalomi ubedami.
Rikud vezemer amami.
Be ima adama.
Befi tfilat shalom,
Kchula kmo talit.
Ani Israelit.


On the shoulder of Mount Hermon,
On Galilee winds
I am an Israeli.

In an orchard of lemons,
Oranges or grapefruit,
I am an Israeli.

In a small cafe;
With a large glass of carrot juice,
I am an Israeli.

When I am still rhyming
'Song of the year 1949'
I am an Israeli.

In nightly appearances
On stages all over the world,
I am an Israeli.

When I am full of laughter
And pride,
I am an Israeli.

In the light of holiday candles,
On days of call to duty or mourning,
At the sound of sirens,
Flute or harp,
I am an Israeli.

Israeli in heart and soul,
In my mothers name and in my own,
In my dream and in my blood,
In folk dance and song,
In mother earth,
In the market or shopping mall,
In all that tumult,
I am an Israeli.

On the flight home
With a catchy song of hope,

Painting in my imagination:
Sky, God, and angels with wings,
I am an Israeli.

Carrying songs of tomorrow
To a frontier settlement,
I am an Israeli.

On my lips a song of peace,
Blue (pure) as a Talit,
I am an Israeli.

Forever, to eternity looking for the way.
Forever, to eternity free and fulfilled.
I am an Israeli.

Israeli in heart and soul,
In my mothers name and in my own,
In my dream and in my blood,
In folk dance and song,
In mother earth,
In the market or shopping mall,
In all that tumult,
I am an Israeli.


Hebrew words

After over 20 years of not producing anything new, Israeli singing icon Ilanit has come back with a beautiful CD called "Ani Israelit".

The song is essentially about herself, being an Israeli performing around the world, and then coming back to her home in Israel.
Looking at the words of the song we can see the words describing Mt Hermon, an orchard, drinking carrot juice in a cafe and more.

The reference to "shirey tashach" are the songs from 1947-1950 when Israel went through the War of Independence, and the whole country was singing patriotic songs reflecting the life at that time. These are classic songs which are still sung currently. It talks about the Siren which is heard when there is a war or on memorial days. It talks about the never ending quest for peace.

The chorus states that she is an Israeli in her heart and soul, in her name and in her blood. Every where she goes she is an Israeli.

Notes by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne Australia

Dudu Barak
Tomer Hadadi
Ani Israelit (2008) Track 3
Gadi Bitton 2008

Words transliterated and translated by Peter Smolash of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Translator notes by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Australia
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