Bachayechon uvyomechon - kaddish
Al Israel talmidehon - kaddish
Al nachamoh al sheizovo - kaddish
Al rafuoh uge'uloh - kaddish
Al salichoh wachaporoh - kaddish
Al hasoloh al hasoloh - kaddish

Al nachomoh - kaddish
Al rafuoh - kaddish
Al salichoh - kaddish
Wachaporoh al hasoloh al hasoloh - kaddish

Oh - Kaddish de'rabanan
Oh - Kaddish da'amiran

Ba'olamo di voro - kaddish
Huyitgadal weyitkadash - kaddish
Al nachamoh al sheizovo - kaddish
Al rafuoh uge'uloh - kaddish
Bachayechon uvyomechon - kaddish
Al Israel talmidehon - kaddish

Al shalomo - kaddish
Min shamayo - kaddish
Yehe lano - kaddish
Wachaporoh al hasoloh al hasoloh - kaddish

M'yiten shama'i keri'oh
Hamah gurah v'hamaym ka li retoh
Ha samovim rachu'ah
Hamah hareh 'al kah teru'ah


For salvation, Kaddish,
For redemption, Kaddish,
For forgiveness, Kaddish,
For health, Kaddish,
For all the wars victims, Kaddish,
For all the holocaust victims, Kaddish

Why do I cry at night?
Why do I feel so bad?
Something holds me tight
It's something in the air.

I have a prayer, a prayer,
A prayer from my heart
Night after night after daylight,
Memories of home...

Hebrew words

This song is sung in Yemenite Hebrew, which is different from the standard Sephardic Hebrew.

Ofra Haza
Ronit Ophir
Desert Wind
Ofra Haza @ Montreux Jazz Festival, 1990

Words transliterated by Thombo Burgess of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Words translated by Tibor Gruber of Budapest, Hungary.
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