Kad katan, kad katan Sh'monah yamim shamno natan. Kol ha'am hitpalei, Mei'eilav hu mitmalei.
Kol ha'am hitkaneis Vehichriz: ach, zehu ness! Ilulei kad zeh nish'ar Mikdasheinu lo hu'ar.
Kad katan…
Gam kol yeled, yeled kat Ya'amod kezeh hakad. Umileiv tamim, tahor, Le'olam yashpi'a or.
Kad katan…
Biz'chutam shel hak'tanim Gam banot vegam banim, Or yizrach mei'afeilah Vetavo hage'ulah.
Kad katan…
A little jug, a little jug For eight days its oil did burn. All the nation wondered how It stayed so full and lasted through.
All the nation gathered there And: "It's a miracle!" did declare. Had this little jug not been left The Temple of light would have been bereft.
A little jug…
Every child, however young, Shall stand upright, like this jug of old. And from a heart, innocent and pure, Upon the world a light shall pour.
A little jug…
By the grace of little children, Both girls and boys alike, Out from the dark, a light will shine And redemption will arrive.
A little jug…
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