Bakasbah bachatzi hayom k'shehashuk patu'ach hayiti kachah stam holech vehachazeh matu'ach kulam omrim eizeh kanon over basimta'ot
osim shalom mikol chalon kol hakavod!
Kulam hayu yod'im az tov me'od lemi lemi - yesh yoter kavod kulam hayu yo'dim az tov me'od lemi lemi, tamid lemi - yesh yoter kavod.
Uch'shehakrav hayah bo'er vehakitah lo zazah hamefaked hayah omer: "ata rishon ya kazah!" Kulam yad'u shekazablan rishon tamid litz'od ume'achor hem tza'aku: "kol hakavod!"
Kulam hayu...
Echad holech im bachurah beyafo bein arbaim im rak ertzeh etzli tihyeh yashar bein hayadaim ach lo afri'a labachur she'lo yatchil lir'od ki zeh etzli pashut printzip li yesh kavod!
Kulam hayu...
Im ba shikor le'eizeh bar ani oto margi'a hu af etzli min hasha'on yashar ad Jebalya aval achar kach hu chozer hu ba katan me'od merim kosit ve'od omer: "kol hakavod!"
Kulam hayu...
In the kasbah* in midday when the market is open I'd just walk (around) with a stretched chest everyone says what a cannon passing in the alleyways greeting me from every window all the honour!
Everyone would know then very well who who - has more respect Everyone would know then very well who who, alwas who - has more respect.
And when the fight would blaze and the section did not move the commander would say" "you first, kaza!" Everyone knew that Kazablan is always first to march and from behind they yelled: "all the honour!"
Everyone would...
Someone walks with a girl in Jaffa between the twilights if I'd only wanted she'd be by my side staight between my arms but I won't bother the guy so he won't start to shake because it's a principle to me I have honour!
Everyone would...
If a drunk comes to some bar I will relax him he'd fly away from my watch straight to Jebelia but afterwards he comes back he comes very humbly raises a glass and then says: "all the honour!"
Everyone would...
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