Od bayamim harishonim shel hahistoriah Ksheha’olam haya kayam rak bate’oria Velo hivdilu bein machar, shilshom ve’emesh, Hayu ravim eifo keday lasim ‘t’hashemesh, Ach davar echad huskam, Im akshan haben-adam. Ein sikui, ein pizui, ze ma shekarah.
Natati la chayay Yaradti al birkay Ya’aminu li kulam, lamadti ma ze stam, vene’elavti.
Me’az avru harbeh gsharim me’al hamayim Ukvar hispiku le’amtzi t’hatzo’orayim, od lo yad’u hem al haglobus, ma tzura lo, im meruba hu, im agol, o eich sheba lo, ach davar echa yad’u, ve et ze miyad kav’u, im sirvah – ein tikvah, ze ma shekarah.
Hayom timtzah shehanoseh lechol vikuach Hu ma ba kodem habeitzah o hatapuach, echad omer shenigmarim lo hashamayim, ksheyesh maspik avir le medinah o shtayim. Ulay bechol zot nistader, He tirzeh az nitgaber, Hi man’a kol gishah Ze ma shekarah kshe…
Already in the first days of history, When the world existed only in theory, When they din’t make difference between tomorrow, the day before yesterday and yesterday night, And they were quarreling about where to put the sun, Ther was agreement on one thing: Whether the human being is stubborn. No chanche, no compensation, This is what happened:
I gave her my life, I fell on my knees, Everyone will believe, I learnt what’s worthless, and I felt hurt.
Since then many bridges passed over water, They had time even to invent the noon. They didn’t know yet about the globus, and its form, Whether it is square, or round, or… as it pleases to be, But one thing they knew, And that they stated immediately: She refused – no Hope. This is what happened:
I gave her my life…
Today you will find that the argument in every… argument Is about if there was before the egg or the apple, One says that the sky is ending for him, When there is enough air for just one or two countries. Perhaps we will manage, after all, If she wants, we shall overcome, She blocked every approach, This is what happened, when
I gave her my life…