Neirotai haze'irim,
Mah rabu hasippurim,
Li yil'at ha'or
Li yil'at ha'or;
Al damim vechishlonot,
Al tru'ot shel nitz'chonot,
Al kravot shel dror,
Al kravot shel dror.

Eit er'eh or'chem hakat
Ya'ateini tzeil balat,
Kol eilai yikra,
Kol eilai yikra:
Yisrael, sava'ta krav,
Efes gam yada'ta rav,
Oz vetif'arah
Oz vetif'arah.

Ug'dulah hay'tah lecha,
Vatikon hamamlachah,
Vatissa harosh
Vatissa harosh.
Kum beit'cha sheinit komeim
Vechadeish mivtzar shomeim!
Kum, aleih uch'vosh!
Kum, aleih uch'vosh!

Neirotai haze'irim,
Kein sipru li sippurim
Al 'avar shel am
Al 'avar shel am.
Va'eshma' kol neir vaneir
Li korei: kum, hit'oreir,
Am chayah vakam!
Am chayah vakam!


(Published as: THE FEAST OF LIGHTS) 

Little candles glistening,
Telling those are listening
Legends manifold,
Legends manifold;
Many a little story,
Tales of blood and glory
Of the days of old,
Of the days of old.

As I watch you flicker,
As I list you bicker,
Speak the ancient dreams,
Speak the ancient dreams:
--You have battled, Jew, one time,
You have conquer'd too, one time.
(God, how strange it seems!)
(God, how strange it seems!)

In your midst was order once,
And within your border once
Strangers took no part,
Strangers took no part.
Jew, you had a land one time,
And an armèd hand, one time.
(How it moves the heart!)
(How it moves the heart!)

Glisten, candles, glisten!
As I stand and listen
All the grief in me,
All the grief in me.
All the woe is stirred again,
And the question heard again:
What the end shall be,
What the end shall be?

נֵרוֹתַי הַזְּעִירִים

Hebrew words
Yiddish    Yiddish   

Info on the song (Hebrew)
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Yiddish Lyrics: Morris Rosenfeld, Hebrew Version: Reuven Grossman (Avinoam)
Herman Zvi Ehrlich (1908); Leo Liov

Words transliterated and translated by Gila Ansell Brauner of Jerusalem, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew



Oh, ihr kleine lichtelech,
Ihr dertzeilt geshichtelech
Meschelech on a tzal.
Ihr dertzeilt fun bluhtikeit,
Brihshaft un mutikeit
Vunder fun amol.

Venn ich zeh eich shminklendik,
Komt a cholom finklendik,
Redt an alter troym:
Yid, du hast gekrigt a mol,
Yid, du hast desigt a mol,
Gott, es gleibt zich koym.

Oh, ihr kleine lichtelech,
Eiere geshichtelech
Veken oyf mein pein;
Tiff in hartz bavegt es zich,
Un mit trehren fregt es zich:
Vas vet itztehr zein?



אָ, איר קליינע ליכטעלעך,
איר דערציילט געשיכטעלעך,
מעשׂהלעך אָן אַ צאָל.
איר דערציילט פֿון בלוטיקייט,
בריהשאַפֿט און מוטיקייט,
וווּנדער פֿון אַמאָל.

ווען איך זע איַיך שמינקלענדיק,
קומט אַ חלום פֿינקלענדיק,
רעדט אַן אַלטער טרוים:
יִיד, דו האָסט געקריגט אַ מאָל,
יִיד, דו האָסט געזיגט אַ מאָל,
גאָט, עס גלייבט זיך קוים.

אָ, איר קליינע ליכטעלעך,
איַיערע געשיכטעלעך
וועקן אויף מיַין פּיַין;
טיף אין האַרץ באַוועגט עס זיך,
און מיט טרערן פֿרעגט עס זיך:
וואָס וועט איצטער זיַין?

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