Maya hi, maya ho, maya ho, maya ha ha maya hi, maya ho, maya ha, maya dai kvar! festigi, festigo, festigal, ve'agam gam.
Halo? Agam? Zot Roni, Tuviah gam kan Har'el veHar'el, Oded po mishta'el. Halo, halo, tziur shel Picasso, sham batik, zeh Tzvikah Pik lo! zeh Danker hamadlik.
Hapizmon hu numah numah hei, numah numah hei lo mevin milah. O.K. ?! Lo echpat li, Datz oseh li teh az tagidu kefak hei. (x2)
Banot, banim, ktzat koumi, nitzanim halo? kos birah. lo! Mofa'a shel yeladim halo, halo tziur shel Picasso, tafru li tik. lo, nu, dai maspik az achshav pizmon madlik...
Hapizmon ...
Maya hi, maya ho, maya ho, maya ha ha maya hi, maya ho, maya ha, maya that's enough! festigi, festigo, festigal, and Agam too.
Halo? Agam? It's Roni, Tuviah also here's Har'el and Har'el, Oded is here coughing. Halo, halo, a picture by Picasso, there in the bag, it's Tzvikah Pik No! it's the cool (Ran) Danker.
The chorus is numah numah hei, numah numah hei I don't get a single word. O.K. ?! I don't care, Datz is making tea for me so say: "kefak(fun) hey" (x2)
Girls, guys, a little curdy, buds halo? glass of beer. no, it's a kids show halo, halo, a picture by Picasso, stitch me a bag. no, well, that's enough so now the "hot" chorus...
The chorus...