Rov Hasha'ot shenisharu Hayu melaiot ahavah B'rov hayamim shebarchu lanu Haytah iti v'haiti itah
Rov hashirim she'atfu et hacheder Haiti kuli se'arah Uma shenotar l'vasof mehashever B'rov hamikrim notrah shtikah
B'rov habrichut ufritzei hazam Ani zocher mashev ru'ach karah B'rov haruchot v'sufot hageshem B'sof hayom chazra chazarah
B'rov hashirim od zocher et paneiha Nog'ot lo nog'ot V'dim'ah shel shtikah B'rov hadma'ot hishtakfut hacheder K'mo gozer al chaiah lamut b'mitah
Yesh yamim shenisharu V'hem rabim v'hem shelah V'yesh sha'ot shemeleiot kulan barei'ach shelah
V'rov hazman haitah nisheret Ukshelo haitah bocha V'im ze kach v'im acheret Ani nishar shelah
Most of the hours that remain Were filled with love. In most of the days that have left us She was with me and I was with her.
Most of the songs that enveloped the room I was completely a storm. And what remains finally from the disaster: In most of the cases silence remains.
In most of the fleeing and furious disaster I remember a cold breeze. In most of the gusts and rain storms It came back again and again.
In most of the songs I still remember her face, Touching, not touching And a tear of silence. In most of the tears the room is reflected, As if cutting her life short to die in bed.
There are days that remain, And they are many, and they are hers. And there are hours completely filled with her smell.
And most of the time she would stay And when she wouldn't cry, And if it's like this, or different, I will stay with her.
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