Pizmon: Yoshev beSan Francisco al hamayim shotef et ha'einaim bekachol uveyarok yafeh beSan Francisco al hamayim az eich zeh she'ani margish rachok.
Mimul ha'avazim, shatim bein hasirot vegesher hazahav, yafeh k'mo beseret chaval she'at lo po iti bishvil lir'ot hayit omeret shemipo at lo chozeret
Ro'eh et Doctor J, kore'a reshetot veKareem Abdul Jabar, nogea bashamaim, chaval she'at lo po iti bisvhil lir'ot kol kach yafeh beSan Francisco al hamayim.
Pit'om ani rotzeh habaitah chazarah el habitzah lashavet bekasit velitz'chok im Moshe ve'im Chatzkel. Ten li chatichat Tavor ten li chatichat Kineret ani ohev lehitahev be'eretz Israel k'tanah, chamah venehederet.
Chorus: Sitting in San Francisco by the water I rinse my eyes in blue and green It's beautiful in San Francisco by the water so how is it that I feel so far away.
In front of me the ducks, roaming amongst the boats and the Golden Gate Bridge, beautiful like in a movie it's a shame you're not here with me to see you'd say you're not returning from here
I see Doctor J, tear down the nets and Kareem Abdul Jabbar, touching the sky it's a shame you're not here with me to see It's so beautiful in San Francisco by the water
Suddenly I want to go home, back to the swamp to sit in Kasit and laugh with Moshe and Chatskl Give me a pieace of Mount Tabor and Kinneret I love to fall in love with my little land of Israel warm and charming
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