Chazarta pit'om, hineh atah babayit. Ten li rak dakah lin'shom bata li kol kach, kol kach pit'om.
Hayah li kasheh, ani lo mitlonenet ki ani yoda'at she... gam lecha hayah vadai lo kal.
Im, im rak, verak im tirtzeh, nam'shich/nihyeh po gam machar al tit'natzel/lo nit'natzel tir'eh ka'et zeh lo chashuv ten li dakah lehit'ragel eleicha shuv...
Chazarti pit'om, hineh, ani babayit. Tni li rak dakah lin'shom, bati lach kol kach, kol kach pit'om!
Hayah lach kasheh, ve'at lo mit'lonenet, at harei yoda'at she... shegam li hayah vadai lo kal.
Im, im rak, verak im nirtzeh, nihyeh po gam machar lo nit'natzel - ka'et zeh lo nir'eh chashuv tni li dakah lehit'ragel elaich shuv... shuv...
You returned suddenly, here you are at home. Just give me a minute to breathe You came to me so, so suddenly.
It was hard for me, I'm not complaining because I know that... it was surely not easy for you also.
If, if only, and only if you want, we'll continue/we'll be here tomorrow too don't be sorry/we won't apologize see now it's not important give me a minute to get used to you again...
I returned suddenly, here I am at home. Just give me a minute to breathe I came to you so, so suddenly.
It was hard for you, and you're not complaining, you surely know that... it was surely not easy for me also.
If, if only, and only if we want, we'll be here tomorrow too we won't apologize - now it doesn't seem important give me a minute to get used to you again... again...