Tsel etz tamar ve'or yarei'ach Umanginat kinor taksim et halev. Oleh batzlil ro'eid, bokei'a, Mimeitarim nishpach ke'ev. Nagen kinor, nagen shirecha, Ma rav hachoshech vehasheket saviv. Manginotecha yashkichu et sivli. Nagen, nagena Lekol tzlilecha ma na'im hu hachalom. Nagen, nagena, Shma yarei'ach et koli sham bamarom. Oy lama lama, Bisfatcha hiksamtani? Libi kavashta va'azavtani Ohev, ko'ev vesovel. Nadam kinor nechba yarei'ach, Uvadmama hed mangina od nishma. Al ma velama El yodei'a, Al ma olam achzar vera. Be'arpilei avar tofia Dmut ahuva, tavei panim mukarim. Kinor yashmia shai zichronot ko ne'imim. Nagen, nagena...
Shade of the palm tree and moonlight And the violin's melody enchants the heart. Rising in the sound, trembling, splitting apart, Pain pours out from the strings. Play violin, play your songs, How great is the darkness and silence all around. Your melodies will make me forget my suffering. Play, please play, To your sound, how pleasant is the dream. Play, please play, Moon, hear my voice, up there in the heavens. Oh why, why, Did you charm me with your language? You conquered my heart and left me Loving, hurt and suffering. The violin is silent, the moon hidden. In the silence a melody's echo is still heard. Why and what for, only God knows - Why the world is so cruel and bad. Out of the fog of the past will appear A beloved figure, lines of a familiar face. The violin will sound a gift of memories so pleasant.
Play, please play...