Eins'por shvilim veyetzi'ah roshem betoch yoman masa lehit'arbev velo lehibala roshem betoch yoman masa
Vehayah umishehu ba al tis'tovev ki zeh tamid yachol lihyot zeh sheyad'lik lecha et halev yif'rok et hake'ev beshalvah
Maga haroch gover al hamakah roshem betoch yoman masa kulanu asuim avak shel ahavah roshem betoch yoman masa
Mabitim lemalah venos'im t'filot k'shebeintaim shochachim shehamashma'ut lichyot hi lish'ol et hashe'elot vela'anot
Vehayah im mishehu ba...
Infinite paths and an exit Impressions inside the travel diary To mix in and not be absorbed Impressions inside the travel diary
And if it happens, and someone comes Don't turn around Because it can always be The one that will set alight your heart And rescue it from pain in calmness
A soft touch overcomes the blow Impressions inside the travel diary All of us are made of a dust of love Impressions inside the travel diary
Looking upwards and issuing prayers While in the meantime forgetting That the meaning of life Is to ask the questions and to answer
And if it happens, and someone comes...
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