Hashavua matchil me'uchar karagil
ein li ko'ach lakum ein li cheshek lich'lum
yom rishon dika'on yom sheni atzbani
yom shlishi lo nigmar revi'i meyutar
uveyom chamishi matzav ru'ach chofshi
ze kvar sof hashavu'a
umachar yom shishi!

Yom shishi at yoda'at
yesh ba'ir mesibah
nish'arim kol halailah
ad haboker haba!
Yom shishi at yoda'at
vehayom bimeyuchad
im tirtzi kol halailah
hu shelanu levad!

Az ani metalfen metachnen mitkonen
mitkale'ach sha'ah mitbonen bamar'a
mechate yabalot umerim mishkolot
meshachrer kivutzim umote'ach k'fitzim
k'sheharosh mesudar lo ichpat shum davar
yom shishi kvar magi'a
hashavu'a nigmar

Yom shishi...

Kshe'over yom shabat vehazman zaz le'at
ani shuv meyubash, od shavu'a chadash
be'ayot, inyanim, chadashot, itonim
vehakol shigrati, shi'amum amiti
az achshav ani kan, ma'avir et hazman
ein li derech livro'ach, lo yode'a le'an.

Yom shishi...


The week starts late as usual,
no strength to get up, no will to do anything,
Sunday - depression, Monday - nervous,
Tuesday doesn't end; Wednesday redundant,
and Thursday - the mood is free,
it's already the end of the week,
and tomorrow is Friday.

Friday you know
there's a party in town,
staying all night,
until the next morning.
Friday you know,
and the day specially,
if you want, all night,
is ours alone.

So I call, beg, get ready,
shower for an hour, stare in the mirror,
cleanse blisters and lift weights
liberate contractions and stretch springs
When the head is ready, nothing matters,
Friday is already here,
the week is done.


When Saturday passes and time moves slowly,
I'm dry again, another new week,
problems, issues, news, reports,
and everything's routine, real boredom.
So now I'm here, passing the time,
No way to escape, I don't know where to.


Hebrew words
Italian - singable   


Ya'akov Gil'ad
Yehudah Poliker
Yehudah Poliker
Chagit Klish
The Best of (Yehudah Poliker) Disc 2 Track 7
Levi Bar Gil 1996
Kids line

Words transliterated and translated by Henry Lederfeind of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Italian - singable translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

Italian - singable


Luned? ricomincia, come al solito, tardi:
non mi va di far niente, non ho voglia di alzarmi.
luned? son depresso, marted? ? un intoppo,
mercold? non finisce, gioved? ? di troppo,
quando vien venerd? ne ho le tasche gi? piene,
ma domani ? il week-end,
ecco sabato viene:

E di sabato, sai,
c’? una festa in citt?
e si resta la notte
finch? l’alba verr?.
E di sabato, sai,
proprio oggi, se vuoi,
? una notte speciale,
? soltanto per noi.

Il telefono squilla,
io progetto, preparo,
faccio un’ora la doccia, allo specchio mi ammiro,
metto il callifugo e sollevo un po’ i pesi
mi rilasso e rilascio tutti i muscoli tesi.
Con la testa pulita non mi frega di niente:
ecco il sabato viene,
? arrivato il week-end.

E di sabato, sai...

La domenica arriva, passa, e poi, s’allontana,
incomincia di nuovo un’altra settimana:
i problemi, le “cose”, le notizie, il giornale,
tutto come ogni giorno: una noia “normale".
Ed allora cos? lascio il tempo passare,
non riesco a fuggire:
non saprei dove andare.

Ma di sabato, sai...

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=yomshishi