The week starts late as usual, no strength to get up, no will to do anything, Sunday - depression, Monday - nervous, Tuesday doesn't end; Wednesday redundant, and Thursday - the mood is free, it's already the end of the week, and tomorrow is Friday.
Friday you know there's a party in town, staying all night, until the next morning. Friday you know, and the day specially, if you want, all night, is ours alone.
So I call, beg, get ready, shower for an hour, stare in the mirror, cleanse blisters and lift weights liberate contractions and stretch springs When the head is ready, nothing matters, Friday is already here, the week is done.
When Saturday passes and time moves slowly, I'm dry again, another new week, problems, issues, news, reports, and everything's routine, real boredom. So now I'm here, passing the time, No way to escape, I don't know where to.