Yom Tov Lanu Chag Purim hu chag gadol Yachad kulanu Netze'a bemachol.
Bera'ashan nar'ish bekol Rash rash nistoveva! Ha'yom Purim, machar yom chol Rash, rash nistoveva!
Rash, rash, rash, rash Ha'yom yom Purim, machar yom chol Rash, rash, rash, rash Netze'a bemachol
We have a holiday Purim is a big holiday Let's all go out and dance together.
Let's make a loud noise with our noisemaker Let's go around and make a lot of noise! Today is Purim and tomorrow is a regular day Let's go around and make a lot of noise!
Make noise, make noise, make noise, make noise Today is Purim and tomorrow is a regular day Make noise, make noise, make noise, make noise Let's all go out and dance together.
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